- Wandering Minds Under One Roof








Another Damned Webcomic


Updated Monthly.

Well, that's the plan.

Don't hold me to it.


Please Donate

$1 is all I ask. $5 gets you a Skykin Grove ink caricature. $20 gets a larger caricature.




The following links are really worth visiting.

Apollo 9 - By Longtail

Gemini Bright - By Longtail

Buddies in  Big Places - By Seth Triggs

Bugs - By Den Whitton

The Lair of Chibithulu


Comic for October 2006        THE VERY SECOND FILLER

See below the LiveJournal window for a message.

(C)2005 Kathi Pickett/Skykin Grove
All Characters Depicted Within are (c) themselves





Filler Pages: The Cruise PART TWO

Thank you (again!) for being patient!

You may have noticed the glaring lack of comic for September. *Hangs head in shame.* A combination of real life issues and plain lack of energy prevented it.

HOWEVER, I am back with those silly bits that I sketched up during my cruise in June/July.

I have to admit that on the first full sea day I got a little queasy. I didn't heave carrots or anything, but I was taking it reaaaaallly easy and watching what I ate. I don't normally get motion sickness, but after 8 hours of constant and unpredictable movement, even the heartiest feel a little down.

You might also notice the Deep Lord egging me on. After all, it was his cruise.

Next month: What do you get when you take a comedian, four tennis balls, a jugglers bat, a plastic scimitar and a toilet plunger?
