Chibithulu Photo Log Pittsburgh 2006

Touring the Madness

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Throughout the event I continued to capture minions. Here I have pinned down Minion #8. There was some brainwashing required.


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I had to spend some time in discussion with this creature. He did not become a minion, but it is possible that he might further the cause of one or more other minions.


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Here I greet Minion #4. Her career I am watching very closely, and of late I have been quite pleased. She is as chaotic and twisted as a mortal might get.


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Here Minion #4 shows proper respect to my person.


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Here I capture Minion #5 slaving away as is proper, luring others into another twisted world. Very good work, #5.


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This creature thought to suck my brains out. Fortunately, I re-directed some coffee from another direction and he became caffeinated instead.


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This creature proved to be quite difficult to capture as a minion. She put up quite a struggle.


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In the end, however, I always prevail. Here I tag Minion #15.


anthrocon_chibi_waitingfortheparade.JPG (68938 bytes) Minion #7 stands as my backdrop while I await a parade of twisted souls who encase themselves uncomfortably in fur so as to amuse others.

I just don't get it.


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Crowds gather to listen to a being called "Uncle Kage" give a speech. At first I am uncertain, but after some time I find myself amused and determined to try to corrupt his soul.


anthrocon_chibi_unclekage.jpg (129134 bytes) He proves, however, already corrupted. This is good.


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Tired, I enslave one of the furred beings to return me to my domicile.


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