Chibithulu Photo Log Westport 2006

Day One

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chibithulu01.jpg (37776 bytes) The deep lord inspects the living quarters being left behind. They must be right and ready for his return. Green is good, yes, it pleases Chibithulu.

Chibithulu naps for a couple of hours while the minions pack the transport.


chibithulu02.jpg (72557 bytes) Those minions being left behind must have instructions to follow while Chibithulu is gone. Without direction  they will do nothing. Chibithulu expects results.

The large minion being left behind must be watched, he is a tricky one.


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Ready to depart, the Deep Lord commanded that he should captain the vehicle. However, a matter of logistics made it necessary to turn the task over to one of the minions. Cursed be this chibi body!



chibithulu04.jpg (71460 bytes) Instead, Chibithulu will command from the upper deck, a fierce body guard to watch his back. From here he will navigate and advise his minions where he wishes to go.

Regrettably, this would later prevent his access to a key military site, and he would fall asleep and fail to advise his minions to stop at the political capital.


chibithulu05.jpg (49438 bytes) The Deep Lord, Chibithulu surveys the land his minions oversee.

He is displeased.

There need be many more suffering souls, and a lot more plaster. And duct tape.


chibithulu06.jpg (111576 bytes) Chibithulu considers the marker stone. Could it be a sign from his minions? Surely, such an event would be a sign of the darkness to come.



chibithulu07.jpg (136834 bytes) Chibithulu finds a fallen monolith. Certainly a great battle with the forces of darkness brought such a giant down. Chibithulu is pleased, his servants prove to be stronger again and again.

He happily cracks open a beer.


chibithulu08.jpg (101428 bytes) Chibithulu pauses for a moment as driving winds rip around him. He considers this site for his throne, this convenient facsimile serving him to sample the area. He decides it is much too sandy. 



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Chibithulu observes the constant rolling of the great ocean. He happily muses over a mental image of  wave after wave of twisted minions flooding ashore, like those breakers he views, engulfing humanity in its horror.

Yes, it is a happy thought.


chibithulu11.jpg (168446 bytes) Taking to wing, proving those who suppose him incapable of flight wrong, Chibithulu zips along the beach, marking it's magnificent length for purposes of destruction.

He gets dive-bombed by a seagull and curses all winged creatures, then nose-dives into the sand as a result of his own curse.


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The relentless waves put Chibithulu into a sleep filled with happy nightmares.




chibithulu12.jpg (34288 bytes) Chibithulu enters a local eatery to use it's communication device in order to check in on his minions at home, but finds the establishment's equipment is horribly out of date. He devours the entire stock of fresh oysters as retribution, then falls asleep in the deep fryer and is almost served as calamari by misunderstanding.


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