Chibithulu Photo Log Alaskan Inside Passage 2006

Into the Frozen North

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Now, for the piece de resistance. The lavatory. More a closet for contortionists, really. And two or more people are expected to share! Hah!



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Most amusing is the toilet. Precariously perched on the wall, to sit upon it, one keeps one's left elbow in the sink, and the right in the shower. One's knees knock the door itself.



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Next to the miniscule living quarters, the most diabolically delicious feature is the elevators. The ship is fifteen public levels. In the atrium are a pair of pretty elevators that only service four levels. Otherwise, there are six elevators to serve over three thousand people for fifteen floors.

And only two elevators work on the same call buttons at a time.

As a result, travelers press ALL buttons, hoping that EVENTUALLY an elevator will stop at their floor. This causes the elevators to stop on every floor whether needed or not!

Evil! I love it!


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I found this interesting effigy in one forgotten hall. She is meant to represent the entire fleet of ships.

Hrm. She has no arms.

How useful can that be?







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This interesting device, I'm told, is a ship's compass. Ironic, do you not think, that I find it in a lounge where copious amounts of alcohol is served? Hah!



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In that same lounge were pieces of art up for auction. Hm. Liquor, loads of cash, and an auctioneer. Sounds mildly evil to me...



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Speaking of lounges, it was time for this Deep Lord to pause for refreshment.




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A sirine's song. Casinos. The mortals flock to these like they do to places of religion. They're rigged, too, to favor the "house". Hah! What fools!



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Ah, the roulette wheel. Almost as fun as Russian Roulette. Sometimes followed by it.




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On my way back from the casino, what ho, what do I find? More potential slaves, all with rather delicious personalities.



sea01_chibi_fruit03.jpg (95139 bytes) They were arranged in two lines. Apparently they were already trying to prepare for combat.

Before I could command them successfully into battle, a hoard of rather large buffet grazers attacked and they were devoured to the last man.


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Regrettably, a play on my part to take command of the basket was foiled by this overly friendly waitperson. His attentive service charmed my minion and the host, and they refused to get my revenge on him.



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